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I Feel Anxious about my Child Starting School

It's completely natural to feel stressed or anxious about your child starting school. This transition can be a significant milestone for both you and your child. Here are some suggestions to help alleviate your stress and support a smoother transition:


Open Communication:

Talk to your child about school in a positive and encouraging manner. Answer any questions they may have and address their concerns. Make it a collaborative conversation and express excitement about the new experiences they will have.


Visit the School:

If possible, visit the school with your child before the first day. Familiarise them with the environment, show them their classroom, and let them explore the surroundings. This can help reduce anxiety by making the new environment more familiar. If your school has a holiday program, book into a day or two of this. Your child will be able to meet other children who attend the school as well as becoming comfortable in the school environment.


Establish a Routine:

Start establishing a consistent routine before the school begins. This includes regular wake-up times, mealtimes, and bedtime. A predictable routine can provide a sense of security and help ease anxiety.


Connect with Other Parents:

Connect with other parents whose children will be starting school. Share experiences and tips, and consider arranging playdates with future classmates. Building a supportive network can help ease both your and your child's concerns.


Stay Positive:

Maintain a positive attitude about the school experience. Emphasise the fun and exciting aspects of learning, making friends, and discovering new things. Your child is likely to pick up on your attitude, so try to stay optimistic.


Acknowledge and Manage Your Own Emotions:

It's okay to feel stressed or emotional about this transition. Acknowledge your feelings and find healthy ways to cope, whether it's talking to a friend, practicing mindfulness, or engaging in activities that bring you comfort.


Involve Your Child in Preparations:

Involve your child in preparing for school. Let them choose a backpack (if school doesn't have a specific one), select school lunch box and drink bottle, and participate in getting their uniform or clothing ready. This involvement can create a sense of ownership and excitement.


Establish a Drop-off Routine:

Develop a routine for drop-off on the first day of school. A calm and positive goodbye can help reassure your child. Establish a routine or ritual that signals the start of the school day, such as a special handshake or saying a positive phrase.


Stay Informed:

Stay informed about school policies, schedules, and important dates. Being organised and well-informed can help alleviate uncertainty and reduce stress.


Trust the Teachers:

Trust the professionals at the school. Teachers and staff are experienced in helping children transition to school, and they are there to support both you and your child.

Remember, it's normal to feel a mix of emotions during this time, and it's okay to seek support if you need it. If your stress or concerns persist, consider talking to other parents, seeking advice from teachers, or even consulting with a mental health professional who can provide guidance and support.